Dr. Sean Doyle
Chief Health Economist and Scientist
Dr. Sean Doyle (Ph.D., Economics) is a retired Air Force Officer with a coveted Top Secret (TS) Clearance.
Sean’s privileged military career was equally split between hi-viz operational assignments and rigorous academic tours. Among Sean’s numerous highlights, a few include six months deployed to Saudi Arabia on the front lines as an Avionics Journeyman on the F-15 fighter aircraft; four & one-half years on faculty as an Assistant Professor of Economics - USAFA’s “Outstanding Academy Educator”, Department of Economics & Geosciences, for Academic Year 2011/2012; a one-year volunteer unaccompanied deployment as the Deputy Director (Financial Management & Comptroller) in Qatar – directly responsible for $400M in Overseas Contingency Operations; and a prestigious one & one-half year post as an Economic Analyst at the Pentagon, with a $10B portfolio.
His work was ultimately published at the Department of Defense Headquarters, Washington, D.C., in June 2019, documenting the successful systematic redesign of Air Force Central Command’s $1.2B budget mid-fiscal year, and earned his Financial Management Team the Air Combat Command (ACC/FM) Innovation Award in Financial Management.[i] After two-plus decades of dedicated public service that included 4 deployments (Afghanistan 2011 as well), Sean is a Postdoctoral Fellow with the National Development & Research Institute, USA (NDRI-USA) – NDRI’s exclusive economist.
Dr. Doyle’s research intersects at the crossroads of health and economics, specializing in demand elasticities, cost utilization, and social gradient.